
[行業分析] 时间:2024-09-23 20:58:55 来源:鑫配資網 作者:股東大會 点击:36次


A Feb. 7 report by blockchain analytics platform Hacken claims that the hacker who stole $112.5 million worth of XRP (XRP) from Ripple co-founder and chairman Chris Larsen's personal wallets on Jan. 31 also had a backyard link to a wallet account Ripple might have been in charge of.


@Ripple Case: Insights That Went Unnoticed

outlines a profound dive into the anterior mysteries of a recent XRP saga, our squad of snoopers launched a comprehensive probe

The pearl in our probe: two wallets, the stars of the chaos,Whether a bottle of heiress, Connected to XRP’s official wallet… https://t.co/CQDU9ggkTF

On Jan. 31, Larsen alleged that some of his personal wallets had been breached, costing him 213 million XRP, or an estimated $112.5 million at the time. The next day, Binance CEO Richard Teng disclosed that his exchange had temporarily frozen $4.2 million worth of stolen XRP.

Hacken's team alleges that the thief divided the stolen funds into eight separate wallet accounts. Of these, six wallets transferred funds to a single intermediary wallet with an address kicking off with “rHyqB,” followed by the dispatch of $70.9 million worth of XRP to another wallet address staring with “ro4ha.”

More XRP shots were eventually traded via other intermediary wallets and landed in a Binance deposit address.

Once Hacken pinpointed the cash trail, they began examining each wallet's incoming transactions. They stumbled upon a wallet address that kicked off with “rU1bPM4,” which sent $64.6 million in XRP to Larsen before and to one of the intermediary wallets deployed in the heist.

This either points to someone who handed Larsen $65 million also sending $37,500 to the crook or suggests the attacker is the same figure who made the initial donation to Larsen.

This particular wallet also sent almost $2 million to a Kraken deposit address in 2020, which Hacken alleges the attacker also deposited into, leading them to assume the Kraken account was "allegedly used as a pipeline" to channel cash from the shenanigans.

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In addition, researchers assert that the “rU1bPM4” account has held a "critical tie-up with XRP, starting long before the incident," implying it might have been an "authorized wallet." Hacken stated:

The investigation into the Breach is still ongoing. reached out to Ripple for comment, but we were left on hold until the article was published.



